Posts tagged with xaml

Aug 15 2014
Aug 1 2012

Point of Views for Windows 8 Published in Visual Studio Magazine (August 2012)

My new article on Windows 8 controls is featured in Visual Studio Magazine.

Windows 8 WinRTxaml
Jul 14 2012
Jun 6 2012
May 7 2012

A XAML Guy digs into ASP.NET MVC4 (Part 2 of ?)

Part 2: A XAML guy begin his journey into ASP.NET MVC4.

Mar 19 2012

Technology and Friends with Michael Crump on Silverlight 5

My appearance on Technology and Friends talking about Silverlight 5.

Feb 22 2012

Microsoft Silverlight 5: Building Rich Enterprise Dashboards Book Released

A look at a Silverlight 5 book that I was the technical reviewer on.

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