Posts tagged with windows-phone7
MSDN Magazine Article Published on Upgrading from Windows Phone 7 to 8
An article on how to upgrade from Windows Phone 7 to 8.
Quick Info on the 10322 Windows Phone SDK Update
A quick look at the new Windows Phone SDK 10322 Update.
How to Specify the Startup Page in Windows Phone
How to specify the startup page in a Window Phone App.
Setting up a Command (MVVM) in Windows Phone 8 Video Tutorial
How to setup up a Command (MVVM) in Windows Phone 8.
Setting up Unit Testing in Windows Phone 7 and 8
I’ll show you step-by-step how to setup your first unit test in Windows Phone 7 or 8.
Mobile Application Development Native vs. PhoneGap Tools–Podcast with Michael Crump
Mobile App Development vs. Native - My opinions
Bridging the PhoneGap Published in Visual Studio Magazine (June 2012)
Learn how to use PhoneGap to build a Windows Phone application that can be easily ported to another phone.
Build your first Windows Phone App Article Published on NetMagazine
Do you want to learn how to build your first WP7 app? Read on...
Fixing the [NeutralResourceLanguage] attribute is missing on the entry assembly.
Fixing an annoying issue when trying to submit an app to the WP7 Marketplace.
FullScreen Browser WP7 Download and Payment Stats
Some stats regarding my FullScreen Browser WP7 Application
Retrieving a WebPage Title and Sharing it with the ShareLinkTask in WP7
Add the page title to your ShareLinkTask.
Adding an Easter Egg to your WP7 Application
Easter Egg's at Christmas? Well, not exactly.