Using Portable Class Libraries with Win 8 and WP8 and MVVM

I have a new in-depth article published online at DZone called, “Using Portable Class Libraries with Windows 8 / Windows Phone 8 MVVM”. If you're looking to get up to speed quickly with PCL and how they may be used with the MVVM pattern, then this is an article that you don’t want to miss.

See below for more information and a link to the online article.

Article Introduction

Portable Class Libraries (PCL) support the cross-platform development of .NET Framework applications. With Portable Class Libraries, you can write portable assemblies that share code with Windows 8, Windows Phone, Xbox 360 and other .NET applications. If you choose not to use them, then you must target a single application type and rework the class library for other application types as needed. PCLs save this work by allowing you to build assemblies that are shared across different platforms. In this article, we are going to use the MVVM (Model-View-View-Model) pattern with Portable Class Libraries that target Windows 8 apps and more! Let’s get started.

The Full Article

The full article is hosted on DZone and you can access it by clicking here . Don’t forget to rate it and leave comments if you have any problems.  

windows-phone8Windows 8 WinRT
Posted by: Michael Crump
Last revised: 28 Jan, 2013 07:48 PM


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