First PluralSight Course Published: Beyond the Basics in Windows Phone 8
I have a new training video published on PluralSight today called, “Beyond the Basics in Windows Phone 8”.
See below for more information.
Course Introduction
Summary: This course will walk you through four new features included in the Windows Phone 8 SDK including: Speech, In-App Purchasing, Wallet transactions and the new Map control.
Course Description:
The course is designed for those who already have some experience working with the Windows Phone 8 SDK. Maybe you have already worked with the additional tooling and implemented the new tile types or lock screen notifications. In this course, I will walk you through four other core features including: Speech, In-App Purchasing, Wallet transactions and the new Map control. All of these four features can be found in many professional Windows Phone 8 apps currently in the marketplace.
Where Do I Watch it?
The full course is hosted on Pluralsight and you can access it by clicking here. Don’t forget to rate it and contact me if you have any problems.
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