Save $50 USD on TelerikNext by using Promo Code CRUMP

Telerik is hosting a new event called TelerikNext taking place in Boston, MA on May 3rd-5th.

This 3-day conference includes:

  • A full day of expert-led workshops, prior to the event that includes web, desktop and mobile.
  • 48+ sessions in which passionate experts will share Telerik perspectives on HTML5, .NET, JavaScript and Mobile development, emerging paradigms, Agile development and architecture best practices.
  • Keynotes from Grant Imahara (from MythBusters) as well as Telerik customers and industry analysts.
  • Deep coverage of the complete Telerik product portfolio.
  • Plenty of opportunity to meet and share ideas with peers, Telerik experts and partners and event sponsors.

You can get $50 off per person by using the promo code “CRUMP”.  We look forward to seeing you there!


TelerikNEXT Email Signature Banner

WinRT android aspnetWindows 8html5iosjavascriptmobile
Posted by: Michael Crump
Last revised: 03 Mar, 2015 05:25 PM


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