New Article Published on 5 Incredible Features in the Visual Studio 2015 Preview
I have a new in-depth article published online today called, “5 Incredible Features in the Visual Studio 2015 Preview”.
See below for more information and a link to the online article.
Article Introduction
The Visual Studio 2015 Preview included many new features that enhanced the way developers work with everything from the web and desktop to mobile apps. Several features have had the spotlight, such as gesture support in the editor, Cordova tooling, C++ enhancements and the new Android emulator. But there are several other, less talked about features that I feel every developer that uses Visual Studio 2015 will benefit from. With that said, lets jump straight in!
The Full Article
The full article is hosted on the TDN website and you can access it by clicking here. Don’t forget to rate it and leave comments if you have any problems.
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