New Article Published about 5 Killer Productivity Features in Visual Studio 2013

I have a new in-depth article published online today called, “5 Killer Productivity Features in Visual Studio 2013”.

See below for more information and a link to the online article.

Article Introduction


Regardless whether you do web, desktop or mobile development in the .NET space, you are using a version of Visual Studio of some sort. Hopefully you are using Visual Studio 2013 by now since it is backwards compatible with Visual Studio 2012 projects. I wanted to share several features that have benefited me day to day as I’ve been using the latest IDE from Microsoft. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and download or open Visual Studio 2013 and give these features a shot!

The Full Article

The full article is hosted on the TDN website and you can access it by clicking here. Don’t forget to rate it and leave comments if you have any problems.

Posted by: Michael Crump
Last revised: 08 Sep, 2014 05:20 PM


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