Upcoming events that I have lined up.

My upcoming trips to New York, Bulgaria and Redmond.

Hello Everyone,

I just finished a speaking tour and I am already setting up another mini-one.  I love going to events because I get to connect with other developers and the local community. I’ll be at these events representing Telerik, so feel free to stop by the booth and ask say Hi.  I have several different talks lined-up about Windows 8!

[Thanks to the following for having me be a part of their event!]


New York Code Camp - http://www.codecampnyc.org/ on September 15, 2012.


I will be presenting on Buliding Windows 8 Applications using XAML/C# (schedule hasn’t been updated yet)

Unfortunately, the event is sold out at this time.

DevReach 2012

DevReach 2012 - http://www.devreach.com/ on October 4-5, 2012.


I will be presenting on The Top 10 Things I Learned About WinRT/HTML as a Silverlight Developer.

Registration is still available and you can grab your ticket now.

Build 2012

I will be attending Build 2012 on Oct 30th – Nov 2nd, 2012.

9-3-2012 4-34-27 PM

Unfortunately, the event is sold out but you can get on the waiting list.

All About XAML

All About XAML - http://www.allaboutxaml.net/ Monthly User Group Meetings

I’m one of the founding members, so I will be attending monthly meetings the rest of this year.


If you are attending any of the events then please come up and introduce yourself. I really enjoy meeting new people and hopefully we can sit down and talk tech!

Windows 8 WinRTspeaking
Posted by: Michael Crump
Last revised: 03 Sep, 2012 09:43 PM


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