Game Changing Features in the Silverlight 5 Beta (Part 2)



In the first part of the “Game-changing Features in the Silverlight 5 Beta,” I investigated how to debug XAML in Silverlight 5. Now, it is time to explore another feature called Multiple Window Support, where I will review its abilities within a Silverlight 5 application.  If you followed my previous tutorial, then you should be ready to get started. The full source code for the project is available as a separate download with this article.

The full article is hosted on SSWUG and you can access it by clicking here. Don’t forget to rate it and leave comments if you have any problems.

Other Resources by Me:

My webinar on “Getting started with the Silverlight 5 Beta”.

Getting Started with the Silverlight 5 Beta!
Game Changing Features in the Silverlight 5 Beta (Part 1)
Game Changing Features in the Silverlight 5 Beta (Part 2)
Game Changing Features in the Silverlight 5 Beta (Part 3)

Posted by: Michael Crump
Last revised: 09 Dec, 2011 03:14 AM


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